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ros_comm: cpp_common | message_filters | perf_roscpp | rosbag | rosbagmigration | rosconsole | roscore_migration_rules | roscpp | roscpp_serialization | roscpp_traits | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostime | rostopic | roswtf | std_msgs | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions. Currently just the 'Empty' service.

ros_comm: message_filters | perf_roscpp | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions. Currently just the 'Empty' service.

ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions. Currently just the 'Empty' service.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
  • Author: Morgan Quigley
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ros/ros_comm.git (branch: groovy-devel)
ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions. Currently just the 'Empty' service.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
  • Author: Morgan Quigley
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ros/ros_comm.git (branch: hydro-devel)
ros_core: cmake_modules | common_msgs | gencpp | genlisp | genmsg | genpy | message_generation | message_runtime | ros | ros_comm | rosbag_migration_rule | rosconsole_bridge | roscpp_core | rosgraph_msgs | roslisp | rospack | std_msgs | std_srvs

ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions.

ros_core: cmake_modules | common_msgs | gencpp | geneus | genlisp | genmsg | gennodejs | genpy | message_generation | message_runtime | ros | ros_comm | rosbag_migration_rule | rosconsole_bridge | roscpp_core | rosgraph_msgs | roslisp | rospack | std_msgs | std_srvs

ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Michel Hidalgo <michel AT ekumenlabs DOT com>
  • Author: Morgan Quigley, Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ros/ros_comm_msgs.git (branch: kinetic-devel)
ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

ros_core: cmake_modules | common_msgs | gencpp | geneus | genlisp | genmsg | gennodejs | genpy | message_generation | message_runtime | ros | ros_comm | rosbag_migration_rule | rosconsole_bridge | roscpp_core | rosgraph_msgs | roslisp | rospack | std_msgs | std_srvs

Package Summary

Common service definitions.

ros_core: class_loader | cmake_modules | common_msgs | gencpp | geneus | genlisp | genmsg | gennodejs | genpy | message_generation | message_runtime | pluginlib | ros | ros_comm | rosbag_migration_rule | rosconsole | rosconsole_bridge | roscpp_core | rosgraph_msgs | roslisp | rospack | std_msgs | std_srvs

ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

Package Summary

Common service definitions.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Michel Hidalgo <michel AT ekumenlabs DOT com>
  • Author: Morgan Quigley, Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ros/ros_comm_msgs.git (branch: kinetic-devel)
ros_comm: message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

ros_core: class_loader | cmake_modules | common_msgs | gencpp | geneus | genlisp | genmsg | gennodejs | genpy | message_generation | message_runtime | pluginlib | ros | ros_comm | rosbag_migration_rule | rosconsole | rosconsole_bridge | roscpp_core | rosgraph_msgs | roslisp | rospack | std_msgs | std_srvs

Package Summary

Common service definitions.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Michel Hidalgo <michel AT ekumenlabs DOT com>
  • Author: Morgan Quigley, Dirk Thomas <dthomas AT osrfoundation DOT org>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ros/ros_comm_msgs.git (branch: kinetic-devel)

Newly proposed, mistyped, or obsolete package. Could not find package "std_srvs" in rosdoc: /var/www/docs.ros.org/en/api/std_srvs/manifest.yaml


std_srvs contains two service types called Empty and Trigger, which are common service patterns for sending a signal to a ROS node. For the Empty service, no actual data is exchanged between the service and the client. The Trigger service adds the possibility to check if triggering was successful or not.

For common message definitions, please see the std_msgs package.

2024-10-19 17:20