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Package Summary

ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers



This Wiki page facilitates the installation, configuration and usage of ROSaic for people in the robotics and autonomous vehicle communities. The C++ driver can be used with the Septentrio family of mosaic receivers (e.g. mosaic-x5, mosaic-H) and is also usable with other Septentrio GNSS or event GNSS/INS receivers (e.g. AsteRx-m3 ], [[https://www.septentrio.com/en/products/gnss-receivers/rover-base-receivers/integrated-gnss-receivers/asterxsb, [[https://www.septentrio.com/en/products/gnss-receivers/gnss-ins-ruggedized-boxes/asterx-sbi3-pro-plus |AsteRx-SBi3] and others).

About Septentrio


Septentrio designs, manufactures and sells high-precision, multi-frequency, multi-constellation GPS/GNSS equipment for use in demanding applications. Septentrio products are used in a wide variety of industries including marine, construction, precision agriculture, logistics, machine control, rail, automotive, survey and mapping, geographic information systems (GIS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and scientific. Septentrio receivers deliver consistently accurate and precise GNSS positioning scalable to centimeter-level and designed to perform solidly in the most challenging environments. Septentrio receivers are available as OEM boards, housed receivers and smart antennas.

The technology offers high accuracy and reliability thanks to GNSS+ algorithms as well as Septentrio's Advanced Interference Monitoring and Mitigation (AIM+) which protects against RF interference (jamming) and spoofing.

For more information about Septentrio products go to http:\\www.septentrio.com

ROSaic = ROS + mosaic

ROSaic is a C++ driver for Septentrio's mosaic receivers and beyond. This ROS package publishes sensor_msgs/NavSatFix, gps_common/GPSFix and geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.msg messages. The same ROSaic node also allows subscription to a set of common NMEA sentences - conforming to the NMEA standard NMEA 0183 - as well as to a range of proprietary Septentrio Binary Format (SBF) messages. User-specific ROSaic parameters enable the configuration of differential correction services via NTRIP for a variety of hardware setups.

Additional Support for ROSaic Users

2025-03-01 20:33