[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

Only released in EOL distros:  

robotican: ric_board | robotican_armadillo | robotican_armadillo_moveit_config | robotican_common | robotican_controllers | robotican_demos | robotican_hardware_interface | robotican_komodo | robotican_komodo_moveit_config | robotican_lizi | robotican_manipulator_h | robotican_manipulator_h_moveit_config

Package Summary

The robotican_lizi package

User manual

The Lizi Robot manual have all the information needed in order to use and maintain your robot hardware. For software and ROS related information use use this page and the Tutorials page.

Lizi Robot Manual


All joints

Hardware interfaces:


Mobile base

Hardware interfaces:


Available sensors

2025-03-01 16:00