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Only released in EOL distros:  

cob_people_perception: cob_leg_detection | cob_openni2_tracker | cob_people_detection | cob_people_tracking_filter | libnite2

Package Summary

The openni_tracker broadcasts the OpenNI skeleton frames using tf. This new version of the openni_tracker uses OpenNI2 and Nite2

cob_people_perception: cob_leg_detection | cob_openni2_tracker | cob_people_detection | cob_people_tracking_filter | libnite2

Package Summary

The openni_tracker broadcasts the OpenNI skeleton frames using tf. This new version of the openni_tracker uses OpenNI2 and Nite2

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Richard Bormann <richard.bormann AT ipa.fraunhofer DOT de>
  • Author: Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt AT yujinrobot DOT com>, Olha Meyer
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ipa-rmb/cob_people_perception.git (branch: indigo_dev)


The cob_openni2_tracker package provides software for detecting and tracking people using Kinect camera data. It also can be integrated in rviz to visualize the camera frames and users’ skeletons. The users can be detected and tracked only in the current field of view of the camera. This software is based on the OpenNI2 libraries and NiTE2 interfaces.

The OpenNI2 libraries are used to provide an access to active devices and their related functions (e.g. reading the direct source of data from the sensor, composing individual frames and providing information about the video streams). The recording of camera data is specified as a physical device event, which is set and opened in the body_tracker node by Device::open() function. Once the device is opened, the data will be obtained directly from it as a video stream. In order to read the camera depth data and pass it directly to a currently opened device a simple video stream object will be created. The extracted depth data is represented as a two dimensional array of pixel values and is encapsulated in one single frame object. This frame object provides information about data size, width and height of frame in pixels and timestamp of the active sensor.

The NiTE2 interfaces are used to start a body tracker process and compose a user map (of detected or tracked people) out of a current segmented scene. Each map member describes a single user (while detected or tracked, visible or lost), assigns them a specific user id, stores user segmentation data and provides such functions as skeleton tracking and joint location. Once the user tracking has started, skeleton data will be available for the visualization processes and wrapped in a single skeleton message (see cob_perception_common cob_perception_msgs/Skeleton.h). All actively tracked users (Skeletons) are stored at lifetime in an array of people (see cob_perception_common cob_perception_msgs/People.h) and will be published on the /body_tracker/people topic.

Quick Start


Please install the OpenNI2 libraries. You don’t need to start the Openni2 driver. It will be launched in camera_openni2.launch file automatically.


The required packages for NiTE2 will be installed automatically on your computer (via cob_people_perception/libnite2) . If you already posses the packages for NiTE2 libraries or want to check the installation path, please consult the CMakeLists.txt file of the cob_openni2_tracker package.


To use the body tracker function to detect and track people clone the repository and required dependencies to your catkin environment and build it according to the instructions.

If you just need the tracker without any topics of the camera driver (image, point cloud), simply start the launch file with the standalone_without_camera_driver option:

roslaunch cob_openni2_tracker body_tracker_nodelet.launch standalone_without_camera_driver:=true

Alternatively, if you like to use the camera driver, start the camera driver first via

roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch depth_registration:=true

and then the human tracker

roslaunch cob_openni2_tracker body_tracker_nodelet.launch

After the launch process has succeeded, the launch output will be presented in the current console window and the body tracker will be ready to detect people. Start moving around to produce some input for the tracker and get segmented data from the NiTE2 objects.

Detailed Description


To visualize the results please start Rviz and add a Point Cloud 2 and assign to a /body_tracker/points_body_tracker topic. Don’t forget to set the Color Tranformer to RGB8. This will display the point cloud data with each detected human in a different color.

To track the results live on the camera stream, please start the camera plug-in and assign to a /colorimage_out topic. Set the parameters for a desired drawing feature in the configuration file /launch/body_tracker_params.yaml to true.

User States

According to the probability range of the segmented data, several states can be assigned to each visible user: detected, tracked and lost.

If users become visible and are in a low probability state, they get a unique id and will be saved at first as detected. The Point Cloud data will be accessible to check for the detected areas. These will be colored in three main colors to separate the detected users.

The detected users with high probability will be saved as tracked. During this state the data will be published to a /body_tracker/people topic and the colored areas of detected users will be accessible in the Point Cloud.

If the user is lost, the user id and all assigned states will be erased from the user map data and the user object will be deleted from the array of tracked people.

2025-03-01 15:38