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How to build a 3D printed WOUSE

Here is a video showing the CAD work performed on the Wouse.

Parts List

Download the following .stl CAD files and print them using a 3D printer

Purchase the following off-the-shelf hardware

Glasses: (Supplier: McMaster-Carr)

Machine screws: (Supplier: McMaster-Carr)

Machine nuts: (Supplier: McMaster-Carr)

Springs: (Supplier: McMaster-Carr)

Shims: (Supplier: McMaster-Carr)

USB Port: (Supplier: Mouser)

Wires: (Supplier: Mouser

Obtain the following common supplies

Assembling the Wouse

The following video shows how to assemble a Wouse with the 3D printed parts and hardware.


(Video Reference 0:00 )

Supplies needed: 4 different colored wires, soldering iron, solder, electrical tape Mini-B USB port, PCB with battery.


(Video Reference 2:42 )

Supplies needed: Both of the springs, the main case (left side), small pliers.

Mouse Buttons

(Video Reference 3:01 )

Supplies needed: Swiftpoint mouse buttons (located on the ribbon cable), two 3D printed buttons, 3D printed button holder, main case, two 8mm screws, two M2 nuts, super glue.

PCB Brace

(Video Reference 4:43 )

Supplies needed: springs (which are already connected to the main case), 3D printed PCB brace, PCB assembly, one 6mm screw, one M2 nut.


(Video Reference 5:53 )

Supplies needed: two 3D printed levers, two 8mm screws, two M2 nuts.

Pivot Point

(Video Reference 7:01 )

Supplies needed: one M1.6 screw, two M1.6 nuts.

Tape and Glue

(Video Reference 8:12 )

Supplies needed: double sided foam tape, super glue.

Final Step

(Video Reference 9:59 )

Supplies needed: assembled left Wouse side, empty 3D printed right Wouse side, safety goggles.

If you have any hardware specific questions, you may contact Henry Clever at henryclever@ku.edu or phillip.grice@gatech.edu.

2025-03-01 20:38