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<scene_state> element

The state element describes the basic state of a corresponding URDF scene.

Here is an example of a scene state element:

   1  <scene_state scene="pr2_with_table" time_stamp="0.0">
   2    <entity_state model="prj">
   3      <parent frame="world"/>
   4      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   5      <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentation -->
   6    </entity_state>
   8    <entity_state model="table">
   9      <parent frame="world"/>
  10      <origin xyz="1 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
  11      <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentaiton -->
  12    </entity_state>
  13  </scene_state>

Scene State


2025-03-01 20:37