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/!\ The sensor element has been implemented in the URDF Dom but has never really been used in application. This is a project that was dropped anyone is encouraged to pick it up and extend it to sensor hardware applications. Please contribute!

<sensor> element

The sensor element describes basic properties of a visual sensor (i.e. camera / ray sensor).

Here is an example of a camera sensor element:

   1  <sensor name="my_camera_sensor" update_rate="20">
   2    <parent link="optical_frame_link_name"/>
   3    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   4    <camera>
   5      <image width="640" height="480" hfov="1.5708" format="RGB8" near="0.01" far="50.0"/>
   6    </camera>
   7  </sensor>

And below is an example of a laser scan (ray) sensor element:

   1  <sensor name="my_ray_sensor" update_rate="20">
   2    <parent link="optical_frame_link_name"/>
   3    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   4    <ray>
   5      <horizontal samples="100" resolution="1" min_angle="-1.5708" max_angle="1.5708"/>
   6      <vertical samples="1" resolution="1" min_angle="0" max_angle="0"/>
   7    </ray>
   8  </sensor>



Proposal for New Type of Sensor


2025-03-01 20:37