work in progress, not actually used. The representation of robot configurations for particular groups of joints can be also specified using srdf
<model_state> element
The state element describes the basic state of a corresponding URDF model.
Here is an example of a model state element:
Toggle line numbers
1 <model_state model="pr2" time_stamp="0.1">
2 <joint_state joint="r_shoulder_pan_joint" position="0" velocity="0" effort="0"/>
3 <joint_state joint="r_shoulder_lift_joint" position="0" velocity="0" effort="0"/>
4 </model_state>
Model State
model (required) (string)
- The name of the model in corresponding URDF.
time_stamp (optional) (float) (sec)
- Time stamp of this state in seconds.
<joint_state> (optional) (string)
joint (required) (string)
- The name of the joint this state refers to.
position (optional) (float or array of floats)
- position for each degree of freedom of this joint
velocity (optional) (float or array of floats)
- velocity for each degree of freedom of this joint
effort (optional) (float or array of floats)
- effort for each degree of freedom of this joint