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Only released in EOL distros:  

turtlebot_viz: turtlebot_dashboard | turtlebot_diagnostics | turtlebot_interactive_markers | turtlebot_rviz_launchers

Package Summary

Pseudo package to put any diagnostic monitoring tools into.


The diagnostics system collects current state information from TurtleBot and present it to users and operators for analysis, troubleshooting and logging. The information is easily accessible with the Robot Monitor GUI. Up to now the following information is presented:

New in ROS groovy

On groovy, the Robot Monitor GUI is integrated within the dashboard, so probably you will prefer not to launch it standalone, what is the issue of the following section.

Running Robot Monitor

Install diagnostics-monitors, if you didn't before; it's included on diagnostics_monitors stack:

 apt-get install ros-fuerte-diagnostics-monitors

 apt-get install ros-groovy-diagnostics-monitors

Make sure your TurtleBot is already running (e.g. you have launched minimal.launch from turtlebot_bringup before).

Then launch turtlebot_diagnostics with:

 roslaunch turtlebot_diagnostics view_diagnostics.launch

You may have to set your ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable before you start your dashboard:

 export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://MY_ROBOT:11311

The robot_monitor should look something like:

2025-03-01 20:36