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Only released in EOL distros:  

rx: rxbag | rxdeps | rxgraph | rxtools | wxPython_swig_interface | wxswig | xdot

Package Summary

rxbag is a GUI tool for visualizing, inspecting and replaying histories of ROS messages.

Some icons from the Silk icon pack are used, which is available from famfamfam.com.

rx: rxbag | rxdeps | rxgraph | rxtools | wxPython_swig_interface | wxswig | xdot

Package Summary

rxbag is a GUI tool for visualizing, inspecting and replaying histories of ROS messages.

Some icons from the Silk icon pack are used, which is available from famfamfam.com.

rx: rxbag | rxgraph | rxtools | wxpython_swig_interface | xdot

Package Summary

Package deprecated This wxWidget based tool is superseded by the Qt based tool rqt_bag

rxbag is a GUI tool for visualizing, inspecting and replaying histories of ROS messages. Some icons from the Silk icon pack are used, which is available from famfamfam.com.

This documentation refers to ROS Box Turtle.

For C Turtle documentation see rxbag.


The rxbag package provides a GUI tool to index and visualize the contents of bag files.

Plugins are used by rxbag to visualize various message types. The core plugins are contained in rxbag_plugins in the visualization stack.


To run:

$ rxbag bag_file.bag

This opens a timeline representing the stream of messages contained in the bag file, listed by topic:

Right-clicking on the timeline opens a menu with options for opening detailed message views, and choosing which topics to display thumbnails for.

Message Views

Every topic has an option of displaying a raw view of the message. This displays the fields of the message in a tree view:

The following keyboard shortcuts can be used:


Select all fields in message


Copy selected fields to clipboard

Every message view has a toolbar for stepping the playhead forward to the next message on the topic, back to the previous message, or to the first and last messages in the bag.

For details on other message views, see rxbag_plugins.


rxbag relies on an index for random access of bag files.

For ROS version 0.11 and onwards, this index is generated automatically whenever rosbag is used to record a bag file, and the index is stored internally inside the bag file.

For bag files recorded by ROS 0.10 and earlier, rxbag will generate a .index file in the same directory as the bag file. This index file is reused across invocations of rxbag.

Plugin API

rxbag currently has a proof-of-concept plugin API, which is used in the rxbag_plugins package. Future versions of ROS will have a more stable API to more broadly support plugins.


Future features for rxbag include:

2025-03-01 20:32