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<node> tag

The <node> tag specifies a ROS node that you wish to have launched. This is the most common roslaunch tag as it supports the most important features: bringing up and taking down nodes.

roslaunch does not provide any guarantees about what order nodes start in. This is intentional: there is no way to externally know when a node is fully initialized, so all code that is launched must be robust to launching in any order.

The roslaunch tutorials page covers some examples of how to fully utilize the <node> tag, such as configuring a node to launch in gdb.


<node name="listener1" pkg="rospy_tutorials" type="listener.py" args="--test" respawn="true" />

Launches the "listener1" node using the listener.py executable from the rospy_tutorials package with the command-line argument --test. If the node dies, it will automatically be respawned.

<node name="bar1" pkg="foo_pkg" type="bar" args="$(find baz_pkg)/resources/map.pgm" />

Launches the bar node from the foo_pkg package. This example uses substitution arguments to pass in a portable reference to baz_pkg/resources/map.pgm.



You can use the following XML tags inside of a <node> tag:

2025-03-01 20:29