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The core PR2 packages have been converted to catkin and moved to github.

RQT PR2 Dashboard

The PR2 dashboard has been ported from the old rx tools to the new RQT tools. The new PR2 dashboard can be run with:

rosrun rqt_pr2_dashboard rqt_pr2_dashboard

pr2_etherCAT => pr2_ethercat

Due to naming restrictions, pr2_etherCAT is now pr2_ethercat. This affects everything: package names, node names and topic names.




pr2_mechanism_model has been updated for the new pluginlib; as a result, pr2_mechanism_model::Robot::getTransmission() now returns a boost::shared_ptr<Transmission> instead of a Transmission*

Controllers and RPath

Controllers should use RPath when linking to other dynamic libraries, since the realtime loop often does not have access to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. This can be done with the pr2_enable_rpath() CMake function from pr2_hardware_interface (also available transitively through pr2_controller_interface, pr2_mechanism_model and ethercat_hardware).

For example:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS pr2_controller_interface)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} ... )

Arm Navigation

pr2_arm_navigation is no longer maintained, and there are no plans to release it into Hydro. Please use MoveIt instead.

Web interface

The web_interface stack is no longer maintained, and there are no plans to release it into Hydro. This means that the pr2_web_apps stack/package will not be moved forward into Hydro.


Package Location

The repositories for the code of the PR2 have slowly been collected and are moving to Github. At this time, the Non-ROS Debian source code future location is undetermined, but is residing at https://code.ros.org/trac/pr2debs/

2025-03-01 15:58