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The stack contains all of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x integrated in the ROS build system. The orocos_toolchain_ros stack contains utilmm, utilrb, typelib and orogen, to automatically create ros packages for the automatic typekit generation for C++ classes.

On top of the Orocos Toolchain v2.4.x this stack contains:

For Orocos/RTT new-commers, there are also the rtt_exercises. They can be found at https://gitorious.org/orocos-toolchain/rtt_examples ,and have native ROS build support.

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact the orocos-users, orocos-dev or ros-users mailing list.


First, install 'regular' ROS on your system following these instructions: Install

Prebuild deb packages are available for Ubuntu systems. Installation is as simple as

sudo apt-get install ros-(cturtle/diamondback)-orocos-toolchain-ros

Installation for other systems can be done through git. All code is currently on git on http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git . You must extract the software in a (sub)directory of your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:

cd $HOME
mkdir ros
cd ros

Most people set that export statement in their .bashrc file, right after they sourced the 'setup.bash' file. Then in $HOME/ros:

git clone http://git.mech.kuleuven.be/robotics/orocos_toolchain_ros.git

Make sure to either check out the diamondback branch (for diamondback)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b diamondback origin/diamondback

or cturtle branch (for cturtle)

cd orocos_toolchain_ros
git checkout -b cturtle origin/cturtle

initialise and update the git submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

and build the orocos_toolchain_ros stack

rosmake --rosdep-install orocos_toolchain_ros

Don't forget to source the Orocos specific env.sh script in order to use the orogen functionality:

. env.sh
echo -e "\n. $(pwd)/env.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

This file needs to be sourced in addition to ROS's setup.bash file.


The deployer, taskbrowser and any program part of OCL needs to be run with the rosrun command:

rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux

You should now proceed to the Orocos Toolchain Main Page for further documentation and examples.

2025-03-01 15:55