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Hand Detection Demo

This is a kinect demo found in the mit-ros-pkg repository. For more MIT kinect demos check out the MIT Kinect Demos page.

Looking for Finger Detection? This is purely hand detection code - it does not differentiate fingers! For finger differentiation, see the finger detection demo

How to Run this Demo

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  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake hand_interaction


  • roslaunch hand_interaction hand_detector.launch

To view with rviz, use the configuration hand_interaction/config/handdetection.vcg:

  • rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find hand_interaction)/config/handdetection.vcg
  • Note: it is possible to run this demo without the skeleton tracking. In this mode, the hand detector simply finds the two closest blobs.
  • To use this, simply use detecthands instead of detectskelhands


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake hand_interaction
  3. To get Xml file for openni/lib (in order to avoid error InitFromXml failed: File not found!)

    sudo mkdir -p $(rospack find openni)/lib
    sudo cp /etc/primesense/SamplesConfig.xml $(rospack find openni)/lib/)


  • roslaunch hand_interaction hand_detector.launch

To view with rviz, use the configuration hand_interaction/config/handdetection.vcg:

  • rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find hand_interaction)/config/handdetection.vcg
  • Note: it is possible to run this demo without the skeleton tracking. In this mode, the hand detector simply finds the two closest blobs.
  • To use this, simply use detecthands instead of detectskelhands


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake hand_interaction
  3. To get Xml file for openni/lib (in order to avoid error InitFromXml failed: File not found!)

    sudo mkdir -p $(rospack find openni)/lib
    sudo cp /etc/openni/SamplesConfig.xml $(rospack find openni)/lib/
  4. In the file hand_detector.launch, replace <node pkg="hand_interaction" type="detectskelhands" name="handdetector" output="screen" > with <node pkg="hand_interaction" type="detectskelhands" name="handdetector" output="screen" respawn="true">

    rosed hand_interaction hand_detector.launch 


To run hand_interaction demo:

  • roslaunch hand_interaction hand_detector.launch

To view with rviz:

  1. Enable mapping_rviz_plugin first.
    rosmake mapping_rviz_plugin
  2. Use the configuration hand_interaction/config/handdetection.vcg:
  3. rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find hand_interaction)/config/handdetection.vcg

    AzureViolin: Note: I can't run this demo with detecthands instead of detectskelhands. Need some help here.

Development Info

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2025-03-01 15:51