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Due to Eigen Unmangling, a tag of the MIT Kinect demos has been made.

Here is how to install it:

  1. wget the rosinstall file
    wget http://people.csail.mit.edu/garratt/install_scripts/kinect_demos_cturtle.rosinstall --no-check-certificate
  2. Check out the mit-ros-pkg code, as well as other needed libraries using rosinstall:
    rosinstall ~/kinect_demos /opt/ros/cturtle kinect_demos_cturtle.rosinstall
  3. Revert ni to pre-mangled version:
    cd ~/kinect_demos/ni
    git checkout 877bd89de0738dad5551
  4. install the base kinect demo packages:
    . ~/kinect_demos/setup.sh
    rosmake ni pcl_tools --rosdep-install

Now you can continue on in the main install

2025-03-01 15:51