Outdated version
This page documents an outdated version of the driver. It is recommended to use the most recent version. Documentation can be found for that version here
ROS driver for all of Microstrain's current G and C series products.
Supported Devices
3DM-GQ7, 3DM-CV7, 3DM-GX5-45, 3DM-GX5-25, 3DM-GX5-15
This package is being built and distributed by the ROS build farm. If you do not need to modify the source, it is recommended to install directly from the buildfarm by running the following commands where ROS_DISTRO is the version of ROS you are using such as melodic or noetic:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ros-ROS_DISTRO-microstrain-inertial-driver
The microstrain_inertial_driver is distributed as a docker image. More information on how to use the image can be found on DockerHub.
For more info on source code and how to build from source, visit the Source section of our on our microstrain_inertial GitHub page.
For more information on the ROS distros and platforms we support, please see our page.
Configure Parameters
This node uses a params.yml file for ease of configuration. This file contains all available parameters for the node, so please refer to that file for more information on the available parameters and how to use them.
Override Parameters for ROS
1. Copy and paste the line(s) you desire to change from params.yml into a new .yml file. We will call it /home/user/my_params.yml for this example. This new .yml file will override the default params.yml and if there are multiple lines of the same parameter, the last instance of the parameter will take precedence.
2. Launch the driver and specify the new params file:
roslaunch microstrain_inertial_driver microstrain.launch params_file:=/home/user/my_params.yml
Override Parameters for ROS2
1. Copy the file empty.yml to a new .yml file. For this example we will call the new file /home/user/my_params.yml. This new .yml file will override the default params.yml and if there are multiple lines of the same parameter, the last instance of the parameter will take precedence.
2. Copy and paste the line(s) you desire to change from params.yml into /home/user/my_params.yml.
3. Launch the driver and specify the new params file:
ros2 launch microstrain_inertial_driver params_file:=/home/user/my_params.yml
Messages Publishing
See below for a mapping between the ROS topics and messages to the MIP messages that populate them
Standard ROS Messages
The following topics contain standard ROS messages often used by other nodes. Sensor data is often massaged or converted to be fit into what the ROS standards dictate. This is not always the case, so please refer to the documentation for each topic to see how the data might be different than expected.
/imu/data sensor_msgs/Imu
orientation -> Complementary Filter Quaternion (0x80, 0x0A)
angular_velocity -> Scaled Gyro (0x80, 0x05)
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
linear_acceleration -> Scaled Accel(0x80, 0x04)
- The x,y,z values reported by the device are in Gs, but are converted to m/s^2 for ROS.
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
magnetic_field -> Scaled Mag (0x80, 0x06)
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
gnss1/time_ref sensor_msgs/TimeReference -> GPS Timestamp (0x91, 0xD3)
gnss1/fix sensor_msgs/NavSatFix -> GNSS LLH Position (0x91, 0x03)
gnss1/odom nav_msgs/Odometry
pose -> GNSS LLH Position (0x91, 0x03)
- It is nonstandard to store LLH position in an odometry message. This message is kept for backwards compatibility, but may be removed in a future release
- The covariance is not actually covariance by ROS standards for this message and is actually just uncertainty reported by the device
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the NED frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in the ENU frame
twist -> NED Velocity (0x91, 0x05)
gnss2/time_ref sensor_msgs/TimeReference -> GPS Timestamp (0x92, 0xD3)
gnss2/fix sensor_msgs/NavSatFix -> GNSS LLH Position (0x92, 0x03)
gnss2/odom nav_msgs/Odometry
pose -> GNSS LLH Position (0x92, 0x03)
- It is nonstandard to store LLH position in an odometry message. This message is kept for backwards compatibility, but may be removed in a future release
- The covariance is not actually covariance by ROS standards for this message and is actually just uncertainty reported by the device
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the NED frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in the ENU frame
twist -> NED Velocity (0x92, 0x05)
nav/filtered_imu/data sensor_msgs/Imu
orientation -> Attitude Quaternion (0x82, 0x03)
orientation_covariance -> Euler Angles Uncertainty (0x82, 0x0A)
angular_velocity -> Compensated Angular Rate (0x82, 0x0E)
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
linear_acceleration -> Compensated Acceleration (0x82, 0x1C) or Linear Acceleration (0x82, 0x0D) if filter_use_compensated_accel is false
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
nav/odom nav_msgs/Odometry
pose.pose -> LLH Position (0x82, 0x01)
pose.covariance -> LLH Position Uncertainty (0x82, 0x08) for position. Euler Angles Uncertainty (0x82, 0x0A) for orientation.
- The covariance sent to ROS is the squared value of the uncertainty reported by the device. To find the uncertainty, take the square root of the covariance value you are interested in
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the NED frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in the ENU frame
orientation -> Attitude Quaternion (0x82, 0x03)
twist.twist.linear -> NED Velocity (0x82, 0x02)
twist.covariance -> NED Velocity Uncertainty (0x82, 0x09)
- The covariance sent to ROS is the squared value of the uncertainty reported by the device. To find the uncertainty, take the square root of the covariance value you are interested in
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the NED frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in the ENU frame
twist.twist.angular -> Compensated Angular Rate (0x82, 0x0E)
The default behavior is to report these measurements in the sensor's vehicle frame, but if use_enu_frame is true, this will be reported in ROS's vehicle frame
nav/relative_pos/odom nav_msgs/Odometry
pose.pose -> NED Relative Position (0x82, 0x42)
Remaining fields are an exact copy of the nav/odom topic
MIP Messages
The following topics contain messages that are more or less an exact pass through to a MIP data field that does not fit into a standard ROS message
gps_corr microstrain_inertial_msgs/GPSCorrelationTimestampStamped -> GPS Timestamp (0x80, 0x12)
imu/overrange_status microstrain_inertial_msgs/ImuOverrangeStatus -> Overrange Status (0x80, 0x18)
gnss1/aiding_status microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSAidingStatus -> GNSS Position Aiding Status (0x82, 0x43)
gnss1/fix_info microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSFixInfo -> Fix Info (0x91, 0x0B)
gnss1/sbas_info microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSSbasInfo -> SBAS Info (0x91, 0x12)
gnss1/rf_error_detection microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSRfErrorDetection -> RF Error Detection (0x91, 0x14)
gnss2/aiding_status microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSAidingStatus -> GNSS Position Aiding Status (0x82, 0x43)
gnss2/fix_info microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSFixInfo -> Fix Info (0x92, 0x0B)
gnss2/sbas_info microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSSbasInfo -> SBAS Info (0x92, 0x12)
gnss2/rf_error_detection microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSRfErrorDetection -> RF Error Detection (0x92, 0x14)
rtk/status microstrain_inertial_msgs/RTKStatus -> RTK Correction Status (0x93, 0x31) (for old RTK dongles)
rtk/status_v1 microstrain_inertial_msgs/RTKStatusV1 -> RTK Correction Status (0x93, 0x31)
nav/status microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterStatus -> Status (0x82, 0x10)
nav/heading microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterHeading -> Euler Angles (0x82, 0x05
nav/heading_state microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterHeadingState -> Filter Heading Update State (0x82, 0x14)
nav/dual_antenna_status microstrain_inertial_msgs/GNSSDualAntennaStatus -> GNSS Dual Antenna Status (0x82, 0x49)
nav/aiding_summary microstrain_inertial_msgs/FilterAidingMeasurementSummary -> Aiding Measurement Summary (0x82, 0x46)
Other Messages
The following topics do not fall into any of the above categories and are likely addons to the device not specifically from the MIP protocol
nmea/sentence nmea_msgs/Sentence
- GGA NMEA sentences may be published from the aux port of a GQ7 if it is connected and the following configuration is set:
aux_port: '/dev/ttyACM1' # The serial port that the aux port is connected on rtk_dongle_enable: True # Enable the handshake on the aux port to enable NMEA streaming publish_nmea: True # Enable the publishing of NMEA messages
Several types of NMEA sentences may be published from the main port of the GQ7 if publish_nmea is true, and this section of config is configured to stream NMEA.
- GGA NMEA sentences may be published from the aux port of a GQ7 if it is connected and the following configuration is set:
get_basic_status std_srvs/Trigger
get_diagnostic_report std_srvs/Trigger
device_report std_srvs/Trigger
set_tare_orientation microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetTareOrientation
set_complementary_filter microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetComplementaryFilter
get_complementary_filter microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetComplementaryFilter
set_sensor2vehicle_rotation microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetSensor2VehicleRotation
get_sensor2vehicle_rotation microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetSensor2VehicleRotation
set_sensor2vehicle_offset microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetSensor2VehicleOffset
get_sensor2vehicle_offset microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetSensor2VehicleOffset
get_sensor2vehicle_transformation microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetSensor2VehicleTransformation
set_accel_bias microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetAccelBias
get_accel_bias microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetAccelBias
set_gyro_bias microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetGyroBias
get_gyro_bias microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetGyroBias
gyro_bias_capture std_srvs/Trigger
set_hard_iron_values microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetHardIronValues
get_hard_iron_values microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetHardIronValues
set_soft_iron_matrix microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetSoftIronMatrix
get_soft_iron_matrix microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetSoftIronMatrix
set_coning_sculling_comp microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetConingScullingComp
get_coning_sculling_comp microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetConingScullingComp
reset_kf std_srvs/Empty
set_estimation_control_flags microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetEstimationControlFlags
get_estimation_control_flags microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetEstimationControlFlags
init_filter_heading microstrain_inertial_msgs/InitFilterHeading
set_heading_source microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetHeadingSource
get_heading_source microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetHeadingSource
commanded_vel_zupt std_srvs/Trigger
commanded_ang_rate_zupt std_srvs/Trigger
set_accel_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetAccelNoise
get_accel_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetAccelNoise
set_gyro_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetGyroNoise
get_gyro_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetGyroNoise
set_mag_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetMagNoise
get_mag_noise microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetMagNoise
set_accel_bias_model microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetAccelBiasModel
get_accel_bias_model microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetAccelBiasModel
set_gyro_bias_model microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetGyroBiasModel
get_gyro_bias_model microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetGyroBiasModel
set_mag_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetMagAdaptiveVals
get_mag_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetMagAdaptiveVals
set_mag_dip_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetMagDipAdaptiveVals
get_mag_dip_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetMagDipAdaptiveVals
set_gravity_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetGravityAdaptiveVals
get_gravity_adaptive_vals microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetGravityAdaptiveVals
set_zero_angle_update_threshold microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetZeroAngleUpdateThreshold
get_zero_angle_update_threshold microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetZeroAngleUpdateThreshold
set_zero_velocity_update_threshold microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetZeroVelocityUpdateThreshold
get_zero_velocity_update_threshold microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetZeroVelocityUpdateThreshold
set_reference_position microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetReferencePosition
get_reference_position microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetReferencePosition
set_dynamics_mode microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetDynamicsMode
get_dynamics_mode microstrain_inertial_msgs/GetDynamicsMode
device_settings microstrain_inertial_msgs/DeviceSettings
external_heading microstrain_inertial_msgs/ExternalHeadingUpdate
set_relative_position_reference microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetRelativePositionReference
set_filter_speed_lever_arm microstrain_inertial_msgs/SetFilterSpeedLeverArm