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This package provides the functionality to plan an optimal visiting order through a set of locations in a 2d map. Optionally, the algorithm can determine a grouping of neighboring locations into cliques (= checkpoints), where the locations inside the cliques are visited in optimal order as well as the cliques themselves are visited in an optimal sequence.

An exemplary application case is an automated office cleaning robot that shall retrieve an optimal cleaning order for rooms in an office-like environment. When planning the order, the code takes into account that a trolley with waste collection container has to be handled. Overall several groups of rooms (= cliques, checkpoints) are computed, which contain a set of neighboring rooms and one (more or less) central trolley placement position.


The source code of this package can be found here:

General Procedure

1. Change the algorithm parameters in ros/launch/room_sequence_planning_action_server_params.yaml in ros/launch to the wanted algorithms and settings.

2. Start the action server using the file /ros/launch/room_sequence_planning_action_server.launch, which executes the /ros/src/room_sequence_planning_action_server.cpp file. If the server crashes for some reason (e.g. no valid map given by the client) it respawns with a little delay.

3. Start an action client, which sends a goal to the action server, corresponding to the FindRoomSequenceWithCheckpoints.action message, which lies in ipa_building_msgs/action. The goal consists of the following parts

4. The action server returns as result the sequence of cliques. This is based on ipa_building_msgs/RoomSequence.msg and gives for each clique

A Client also can change the parameters of the server by using dynamic_reconfigure. This can be done using the dynamic_reconfigure_client.h file that provides a client for this purpose. With client.setConfig("param_name", value) one specific parameter can be changed from the client, see ros/src/room_sequence_planning_action_client.cpp for an example. Of course rqt_reconfigure can also be used to change specific parameters.

The algorithms are implemented in common/src, using the headers in common/include/ipa_building_navigation.

The first planning method is faster than the second one, but may give worse results because of the underlying algorithm. The choice of the TSP solver depends heavily on the scale of your problem. The nearest neighbor solver is significantly faster than the concorde solver, but of course gives bad results in large scale problems. An advantage of our second planning procedure is, that the server divides the problem into smaller subproblems, meaning a TSP over the trolley positions and a TSP for each clique over the rooms belonging to this clique. This reduces the dimensionality for each problem and allows in most cases to get good results with the genetic solver that approximates the best solution, so in most cases this this solver should do fine. If you have very large problems with hundreds of rooms or you want exactly the optimal tour and not just an approximation of it, the concorde solver is the best choice.

Available TSP solvers

1. Nearest Neighbor solver: An approximate TSP solver that starts at the given start-point and iteratively goes to the node that is nearest to the last node of the path. At the end, the path returns to the start-point again to close the tour.

2. Genetic solver: This solver is based on the work of Chatterjee et. al. [1]. The proposed method takes the nearest neighbor path and uses a genetic optimization algorithm to iteratively improve the computed path.

3. Concorde solver: This solver is based on the Concorde TSP solver package, obtained from Applegate et. al. [3], which is free for academic research. It provides an exact TSP solver that has proven to obtain the optimal solution for several large TSPs in a rather short time. Anyway this solver of course is a little bit slower than the other solvers, but gives the optimal solution.

Available planning algorithms

1. Trolley drag method: This method is very intuitive, but produces not the best results. The trolley starts at the given robot starting position and stays there for the first clique. Then a TSP over all rooms is solved to get an optimal visiting order. Following the tour, the algorithm checks which room is still in the range you defined from the current trolley location and adds these rooms to one clique. When the next room is too far away from the trolley, a new clique is opened and the trolley is dragged to the room opening it. When the last clique will become larger than the specified max. size of one clique, a new one is also opened. This is done until all rooms have been assigned to cliques.

2. Room-group method: For this method the whole rooms are spanned as a graph, with edges between two different rooms if the path-distance between them is not larger than the specified parameter. In this graph then a set-cover problem is solved, finding the biggest cliques in the graph, i.e. subgraphs in which all nodes are connected to all other nodes in it, to cover the whole graph. This produces several groups that are reachable with the given max. travel distance from each other. For each group then a central trolley position is computed s.t. the travel distance from the trolley to all rooms is minimized. At last, two TSPs are solved, one for the computed trolley positions and one for each room to determine the optimal room visiting order.


[1] Chatterjee, S., Carrera, C., and Lynch, L. A. Genetic algorithms and traveling salesman problems. European journal of operational research 93, 3 (1996), 490–510.

[2] Applegate, D., Bixby, R., Chvatal, V., and Cook, W. Concorde tsp solver. http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/tsp/concorde.html, 2006.

In this pakage an Astar pathplanning algorithm is implemented. It was provided and slightly changed from:

It was released under the MIT-license (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License).

2025-03-01 15:46