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This page lists some of the possible errors and issues encountered when using the fanuc_driver package. The Remedy subsections provide possible solutions.

If you encounter an error not listed on this page or the provided remedy does not seem to work, please contact the developers posting a message in the ROS-Industrial category on ROS Discourse.

Make sure to check the Known Issues page before posting a message on ROS Discourse.


KAREL programs are invisible on the Program Select window

After copying the KAREL programs onto your controller, you do not see them on the Program Select window, nor can you change the displayed program TYPE to KAREL Progs.

Cause: Listing and accessing KAREL programs is not enabled on the controller.

Remedy: Enable the listing of KAREL programs by setting the $KAREL_ENB system variable to 1. Open the SYSTEM Variables screen (MenuNEXTSYSTEMVariables), and scroll down to $KAREL_ENB. Press ENTER, and change the value to 1. The modification is immediate, you do not need to restart the controller.

MEMO-159: Convert failed in PROG

While trying to copy a new or updated version of any of the ROS-Industrial KAREL programs, the TP shows the following error:

Duplicate creation TYPE mismatch
MEMO-159 Convert failed in PROG
VARS-014 Create type - KL_TYPE failed

Where PROG is any KAREL program, and KL_TYPE is a KAREL type used in PROG.

Cause: The type or structure of a variable used in PROG has changed in the updated version, and the KAREL runtime system cannot convert the variable to the new type. This error can occur even after removing PROG.PC file from the controller, as the related .vr file (or variable record, the file that stores information on variables) is not automatically deleted upon deleting the p-code file.

Remedy: Remove the PROG.VR file from the controller. This can be done from the Program Select window, as well as by using the MenuFILE menu (switch to the MD: device). If the copy attempt left a PROG.PC file, remove it as well. The copy operation should now succeed.

In some cases, other (ROS-Industrial) KAREL programs or libraries have references to the old type as well and these will have to be removed too. Always first delete the .PC file, then the .VR.

Note: Removing the .VR file will result in loss of the values of the variables stored in the .VR. Backup important data before deleting the files. The PROG.VA file should provide you with an ASCII rendering of the .VR file.

TPIF-013: Other program is running

Upon trying to (re)start the ros TP program, the TP shows the following error:

TPIF-013 Other program is running

Cause: This is caused by another TPE or KAREL program that is still running on the controller. You cannot start programs while others are still running.

Remedy: Make sure no other user programs are running or paused on the controller before trying to start the ROS programs. FctnABORT ALL can be used to abort any running programs.

Note: You may need to use ABORT ALL twice for programs that have network sockets that are in the ACCEPT state. For the ros_relay and ros_state programs, this is when the TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 I RSTA Waiting for ROS state prox
12345 I RREL Waiting for ROS traj relay

and the ROS PC is not connected to the controller. Select FctnABORT ALL twice, then try again.

KAREL driver

HOST-144: Comm Tag error

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 E PROG cfg err, TAG idx: N

Where PROG is any of RSTA or RREL, and N is a Server Tag index number.

Cause: the configured Server Tag does either not exist, is not correctly configured, or is not in the correct state.

Remedy: make sure you have configured the Tag correctly, and that the configuration of the respective ROS-Industrial program uses the correct tag number. Refer to the Server Tags section of the installation tutorial for information on Tag setup.

FILE-032: Illegal parameter

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 E PROG cfg error: -1
12346 E PROG check cfg

Where PROG is any of RSTA or RREL.

Cause: the configuration of the respective program is either uninitialised, or has not been completed.

Remedy: make sure the configuration of all ROS-Industrial programs has been completed, and that the checked entry is set to TRUE. Refer to the KAREL Programs section of the installation tutorial for information on the setup of the KAREL and TPE programs.

INTP-320: (LIBSSOCK, N) Undefined built-in

Nothing is shown on the User Menu, and all ROS-Industrial programs (ros_state, ros_relay) have been aborted.

Cause: this is most likely caused by attempting to start the programs on a controller that does not have all required options installed. For libssock, this is most likely option R648 (User Socket Messaging) (resulting in the missing MSG_* built-ins).

Remedy: make sure the controller has all required options installed (and activated). Refer to the Prerequisites section of the installation tutorial for information on which options are required.

If the controller has the required options installed, please report the issue to the mailinglist and / or the ros-industrial/fanuc repository. Do not forget to include any relevant information (ROS release, version of fanuc_driver, controller type and software and used manipulator).

jnt_pkt_srlise err: ERRNO

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 E PROG jnt_pkt_srlise err: ERRNO
12345 I PROG Waiting for ROS ..

Where PROG is any of RSTA or RREL, and ERRNO is a negative error number (possible values: -67213).

Cause: The ROS client disconnected the TCP socket connection at the moment the KAREL program tried to write to or read from it.

Remedy: This is not an error. The state proxy and trajectory relay will handle the disconnect and wait for a new connection.

exec_move err: -1

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 E RREL exec_move err: -1
12345 I RREL Waiting for ROS ..

The ROS console shows:

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Socket sendBytes failed, rc: -1. Error: 'Broken pipe' (errno: 32)
[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Transport endpoint is already connected' (errno: 106)

(the same error repeated)

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Transport endpoint is already connected' (errno: 106)
[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Timeout connecting to robot controller.  Send new motion command to retry.

Sending a new motion command does not always work.

Cause: The ROS client asked the trajectory relay to move to a point in the current trajectory that the robot is unable to reach (violation of joint limits). The relay aborts execution of the trajectory and disconnects the ROS client in that case.

Remedy: Verify that the joint limits configured on the Fanuc controller correspond to those in the used urdf (in the support package). The MoveIt motion planners depend on these limits to generate valid trajectories. Update the limits in the xacro macro if there are any differences. Be sure to regenerate the urdf and any MoveIt packages that depend on the it.

Note: In some cases it may be necessary to restart the ros TPE program on the controller.

check_socket err: ERRNO

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 E PROG check_socket err: ERRNO
12345 I PROG Waiting for ROS ..
12345 I PROG Connected
12345 E PROG check_socket err: ERRNO
12345 I PROG Waiting for ROS ..
12345 I PROG Connected

Where PROG is any of RSTA or RREL, and ERRNO is a negative error number (possible values: -67211, -67212 or others in the 67000 range).

Repeats of check_socket err, Waiting for ROS .. and Connected may also occur.

Cause: The most likely cause is a bad network connection, causing data to be corrupted or TCP/IP sessions to be prematurely terminated. This error is also seen when trying to connect to the controller over a wireless network.

Remedy: Make sure the cable and network card used are undamaged, functioning properly and that their configuration is correct for the network they are connected to. Also make sure that no wireless networks are between the ROS client and the server programs on the controller. In computers or laptops with multiple network cards (ie: wired and wireless), make sure the wireless connection is not being preferred over the wired one if both are enabled.

Note: Using wireless network(s) (segments) is expressly not supported by the programs in fanuc_driver.

FILE-051: NESTED kread issued

While running either ROS_TRAJ or ROS_STATE in a Roboguide workcell of a V5.xx or early V6.xx system software version (FVRC), the User Menu will show various errors and one or both programs will terminate with a FILE-051: NESTED kread issues error in the top line of the TP screen.

Cause: There appears to be a problem with the emulated network socket infrastructure in Roboguide with system software versions V5.xx and early V6.xx that prevents use of any the MSG_* Karel built-ins. As the fanuc_driver Karel programs make extensive us of those built-ins, the mentioned error is triggered and the programs cannot continue.

Remedy: None. This is a problem with the system software for versions V5.xx and early V6.xx in Fanuc Roboguide. If possible, try to simulate a more recent version of the system software.


RViz only shows 'collision quality' models

After starting RViz (either by using the test_...launch files in the support packages, or when running any of the MoveIt planning_execution launch files), the visualisation only shows collision detail models, even when Visual Enabled is selected.

Cause: the support packages only include the collision quality models, as we do not currently have permission from Fanuc to distribute the detailed CAD models.

Remedy: none. A possible work-around would involve re-exporting the support package meshes from SolidWorks or any other suitable program. A complicating factor is that correct display of the model depends on proper origins of the meshes, which are not necessarily identical to those of the original models. Additionally, users would need access to the original models.

Interactive marker in RViz cannot be dragged around

After starting demo.launch or moveit_planning_execution.launch from any of the Fanuc MoveIt configurations, the 6D interactive marker cannot be dragged from the starting position, and the terminal window shows the following error:

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Exception caught while handling end-effector update: ikfast exception: /path/to/ikfast/plugin/solver.cpp:LINE_NR: polyroots8: Assertion 'rawcoeffs[0] != 0' failed

Cause: the manipulator is most likely a singular configuration, for which the IK plugin cannot find any valid solutions. demo.launch (and moveit_planning_execution.launch without the sim:=false argument) does not use real joint state data, but a simple joint space interpolator, for which the initial state puts all joints at their 'zero position'. For some models this is a singular configuration.

Remedy: if possible, use a different initial state, command the manipulator to move away (in joint space) from the singular configuration, or (if in simulation) use the random valid option for the Goal State and click Plan and Execute button. As soon as the manipulator is out of the singular configuration, dragging the interactive marker should start working again.

Kinematic solver fails to find any solutions for customised robot

After editing the urdf or xacro of a robot variant in any of the robot support packages in fanuc or fanuc_experimental and updating the MoveIt configuration package to match, the provided kinematic solvers (in a fanuc_X_moveit_plugins package) cannot find any solutions to IK problems, or solutions returned do not appear to be correct.

Dragging the 6D interactive marker around in RViz also does not seem to work any more.

Cause: The (IKFast based) kinematic solvers provided in the fanuc_X_moveit_plugins packages include code that was generated off-line and then compiled into the shared libraries that host the kinematic plugins. This code was generated to match a specific kinematic structure and cannot easily be re-used with other kinematic chains.

Remedy: To keep using an IKFast based plugin, it will have to be regenerated to make it match the changed kinematics of the robot. As this essentially generates a new IKFast solver, it is recommended to create a new plugin package to host it, instead of overwriting the solver in the fanuc_X_moveit_plugins package. Refer to the MoveIt Generate IKFast Plugin Tutorial for more information.

As an alternative, a plugin that dynamically constructs an IK solver based on the robots kinematics (and can thus cope with changes to it) could be used. Options (with MoveIt or stand-alone) would be trac_ik, the LMA plugin from moveit_kinematics or bio_ik.

Robot stops at seemingly random points during trajectory execution

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 I RREL Trajectory stop

The ROS console shows:

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upper bound for the trajectory execution was X.Y seconds). Stopping trajectory.
[ INFO] [1234567890.123456789]: MoveitSimpleControllerManager: Cancelling execution for
[ INFO] [1234567890.123456789]: Execution completed: TIMED_OUT

Where X.Y is some duration in seconds.

Cause: the MoveIt Trajectory Execution Manager detects a trajectory execution overrun, and aborts execution of the trajectory. This is often due to the physical robot not being able to attain the speeds specified in the trajectory. The Fanuc KAREL trajectory relay overrides specified motion speed, resulting in the quoted error message.

Remedy: increase the MoveIt duration scaling parameter, or disable duration monitoring completely. See the The Trajectory Execution Manager section on the Executing Trajectories with MoveIt! page on the MoveIt wiki or How do I disable execution_duration_monitoring ? on ROS Answers for more information.

Failed to load byte array

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 I RSTA Connected
12345 I RREL Connected

The ROS console shows:

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Set buffer size: 1060, larger than MAX:, 1024
[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Failed to load byte array

Cause: one possible cause is a difference in endianness between the robot and the PC running ROS. The Fanuc stack includes preconfigured launch files taking the endianness of the specific robot controller into account. If the actual controller uses a different endianness, the communication will not work properly.

Remedy: try to provide the launchfile with a different value for the use_bswap argument. For most controllers, this is set to true. If appending use_bswap:=false solves the problem, please report the issue to the mailinglist and / or the ros-industrial/fanuc repository. Do not forget to include any relevant information (ROS release, version of fanuc_driver, controller type and software and used manipulator).

Unable to reconnect to the robot

The TP shows the following on the User Menu:

12345 I RSTA Waiting for ROS state prox
12345 I RREL Waiting for ROS traj relay
12345 I RSTA Connected


12345 I RREL Connected

The ROS console shows:

[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Connection timed out' (errno: 110)
[ERROR] [1234567890.123456789]: Timeout connecting to robot controller.  Send new motion command to retry.

Cause: this error can be caused by an incomplete and / or unexpected shutdown of the ROS-Industrial nodes on the PC, leaving the ROS-Industrial programs on the controller in an inconsistent state. In such a case, the socket on the controller is still waiting for a timeout to occur and blocks any new connection attempt in the meantime.

Remedy: either wait for the timeout on the controller to occur, or forcibly stop the ROS-Industrial programs on the controller using FctnABORT (ALL). Now restart the programs on the controller, then restart the ROS nodes on the PC.

J3 on TP and joint_3 in ROS do not match

When comparing the joint angle shown on the TP for J3 and the joint_3 entry in the JointState message as published by the robot_state ROS node, the values do not seem to match, even though the robot is shown in the correct pose in RViz and all planning and execution seems to work correctly.

Cause: all Fanuc robots have a J2/J3 coupling configured that compensates the J3 angle to keep J3 in the same position relative to J2 when jogging J2. The ROS driver compensates for this, as ROS needs the decoupled joint angle for J3. All JointState messages will have their joint_3 entry set to the result of J3 - J2, leading to the discrepancy between what the TP shows and ROS /joint_state publications.

Remedy: none. This is an integral feature and design characteristic of Fanuc robots. It is also only a visualisation issue: the fanuc_driver nodes will automatically compensate for the coupling and remove and add it back when needed. Always use decoupled values for joint_3 when interacting with the nodes in fanuc_driver.

Note: on some controllers, the TP can be configured to show the value for J3 that corresponds to what the ROS driver uses. This is shown on the POSITION screen in Joint display mode, below the values for the joints. Look for the J2/J3 Interaction item.

2025-03-01 15:42