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Only released in EOL distros:  

ethzasl_icp_mapping: ethzasl_extrinsic_calibration | ethzasl_gridmap_2d | ethzasl_icp_mapper | ethzasl_icp_mapper_experiments | ethzasl_point_cloud_vtk_tools | libnabo | libpointmatcher | libpointmatcher_ros

Package Summary

Calibration of 3D transform of a depth sensor given two sets of TFs, one from the odometry and one from the sensor pose.

ethzasl_icp_mapping: ethzasl_extrinsic_calibration | ethzasl_gridmap_2d | ethzasl_icp_mapper | ethzasl_icp_mapper_experiments | ethzasl_point_cloud_vtk_tools | libnabo | libpointmatcher | libpointmatcher_ros

Package Summary

Calibration of 3D transform of a depth sensor given two sets of TFs, one from the odometry and one from the sensor pose.

Package Summary

Calibration of 3D transform of a depth sensor given two sets of TFs, one from the odometry and one from the sensor pose.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Francois Pomerleau <f.pomerleau AT gmail DOT com>
  • Author: François Pomerleau, Francis Colas, and Stéphane Magnenat
  • License: new BSD
  • Source: git https://github.com/ethz-asl/ethzasl_icp_mapping.git (branch: hydro_devel)


This package allows for the calibration of two rigidly-linked reference frames given a series of transformations. You can see this package in action in our ROS contest entry: openni/Contests/ROS 3D/Automatic Calibration of Extrinsic Parameters.

There are two programs in this package: tf_logger, a node that dumps the transformations regularly and optimizer, a stand-alone program that computes the transformation between the frames.

For installation instructions, see the ethzasl_icp_mapping stack page.

Program: Logging

tf_logger will record the changes of two frames published in tf each with respect to its own reference and dump it as text into an output file.

rosrun ethzasl_extrinsic_calibration tf_logger


~/baseLinkFrame (string, default: "/base_link")

~/odomFrame (string, default: "/odom")

~/kinectFrame (string, default: "/openni_rgb_optical_frame")

~/worldFrame (string, default: "/world")

~/outputFileName (string, default: "output.txt")

Program: Calibration

optimizer will use an evolutionary strategy to compute the transformation from the first reference frame to the second, reading these frames from a text file.

rosrun ethzasl_extrinsic_calibration optimizer <dtf_file> [inlier_ratio] [restart_count] [gen_count]


<dtf_file> (filename)

[inlier_ratio] (double, default: 0.8)

[restart_count] (positive integer, default: 1)

[gen_count] (positive integer, default: 64)


optimizer prints both a line that can be added to a launch file to provide the computed transformation in the tf tree and the command to publish this transformation directly from the command line:

Optimization completed, code to COPY-PASTE in to use the transformation:

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_to_kinect"
args=0.182129 0.00632656 0 -0.491826 0.498884 -0.499452 0.509676 /base_link /kinect 100"/>


rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.182129 0.00632656 0 -0.491826 0.498884 -0.499452 0.509676 /base_link /kinect 100

Also, if random restarts are used, it gives an estimate of the variance.

File Format

The text file between tf_logger and optimizer consists of a sequence of lines, each line providing a pair of transforms. This, the format for one line is the following:

tr1_trans_x tr1_trans_y tr1_trans_z tr1_quat_x tr1_quat_y tr1_quat_z tr1_quat_w tr2_trans_x tr2_trans_y tr2_trans_z tr2_quat_x tr2_quat_y tr2_quat_z tr2_quat_w

Known issues

On x86-32, sometimes the optimizer segfaults. Either retry or use an amd64 kernel.

Report a Bug

Please report bugs and request features using the github page.

2024-10-19 14:21