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Package Summary
This package provides some objects and furniture for gazebo simulation.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Richard Bormann <richard.bormann AT ipa.fraunhofer DOT de>
- Author: Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia <nhg AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Source: git (branch: kinetic_release_candidate)
Using the objects
You can spawn the models in this package using cob_bringup_sim.
Available objects
basmati_rice |
corn_flakes_package |
pizza_box |
pringles_red |
salt |
spaghetti |
tomato_sauce |
tomato_soup |
zwieback |
apple_juice_box |
beer_hofbraeu |
beer_rothaus |
crate_large |
crate_small |
green_tea |
milk |
orange_juice_hohesc |
tea_box |
bed |
bookcase |
cabinet_diamondback |
cabinet_ikea_galant |
cabinet_ikea_malm_big |
cabinet_ikea_malm_small |
cabinet_living_room |
cabinet |
chair_ikea_borje |
chair |
chair_wicker |
couch |
dresser_covaro |
dresser_louis |
shelf_white |
table_bedside |
table_ikea_bjursta |
table_living_room |
table_tv |
book_death |
book_emancipation |
book_gardening |
book_heilkrauter |
book_journal_brown |
book_pferdewitze |
book_romantiker |
book_set_buecherschau |
box_wicker |
box_wood |
candle_thick_holder |
candle_thick |
candle_thin |
clock_living_room |
lamp_ikea_arstid |
picture_bodegon |
picture_family |
plant_floor_big |
plant_floor_small |
plant_flower_white |
plant_pot_purple |
plant_pot_white |
blanket_colored |
blanket_white |
door_sill |
door_white |
dust_mop |
kitekat |
locker_sliding_door |
medicine_prospan |
medicine_panodil |
plastic_wrap |
power_outlet |
QRCode |
tray_blue_white |
tv_samsung |
You can find the objects with an SRS_Data_ID in the git srs_data repository