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Only released in EOL distros:  

airbus_coop: airbus_cobot_gui | airbus_docgen | airbus_plugin_log_manager | airbus_plugin_node_manager | airbus_plugin_rqt | airbus_plugin_rviz | airbus_pyqt_extend | airbus_ssm_core | airbus_ssm_plugin | airbus_ssm_tutorial

Package Summary

The airbus_cobot_gui package

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Ludovic Delval <led AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
  • Author: Martin Matignon <martin.matignon.external AT airbus DOT com>
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Source: git https://github.com/ipa320/airbus_coop.git (branch: master)

The cobot_gui package allow the creation of a customizable gui to control and check the status of your robot. This tool includes some precreated plugins for common tools like RVIZ, Rqt or node manager and also tools and libraries to add new qt applications. The modularity of the gui makes easy the customization of the configuration.

Software Requirements

To launch the default gui is required the installation of the airbus plugin and dashboard packages. The cobot_gui includes:

Additionally the package airbus_pyqt_extend includes a library to customise easily qt applications.


A launch file is already generated to open a cobot_gui window with the default configuration

roslaunch airbus_cobot_gui default.launch


The user can also call this launch file to run a different configuration, using the input parameters config_path and file_name

roslaunch airbus_cobot_gui default.launch config_path:='${PKG_NAME}/folder' file_name:='file.conf'


The configuration of the cobot_gui can be defined via a XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<app mode="debug">
    <translate type="en"/>
    <window display-mode="-d">
            <dashboards src="${airbus_cobot_gui}/config/default_dashboards_register.xml">
        <launcher default-view="Rviz" default-mode="manu">
            <plugins src="${airbus_cobot_gui}/config/default_plugins_register.xml">
                <plugin name="Rviz"/>
                <plugin name="Rqt"/>
                <group name="Monitoring" icon="${airbus_cobot_gui}/resources/images/icon_monitoring.png">
                    <plugin name="NodeManager"/>
                    <plugin name="LogManager"/>

For further information about the parameters see: https://github.com/ipa320/airbus_coop/blob/master/airbus_cobot_gui/README.md#2--configuration

Create your own cobot_gui

The configuration of the cobot_gui is composed by two main components:

The user is allow to create and add new dashboards and plugins, by adding new entry lines to the dashboards_register.xml file and the plugins_register.xml. See the package airbus_templates as example.

The configuration file for this package include new registers files for the dashboards and the plugins:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<app mode="debug">
    <translate type="en"/>
    <window display-mode="-d">
            <dashboards src="${airbus_templates}/config/default_dashboards_register.xml">
                                <dashboard name="Template"/>
        <launcher default-view="Template" default-mode="manu">
            <plugins src="${airbus_templates}/config/default_plugins_register.xml">
                                <plugin name="Template"/>
                <plugin name="Rviz"/>
                <plugin name="Rqt"/>
                <group name="Monitoring" icon="${airbus_cobot_gui}/resources/images/icon_monitoring.png">
                    <plugin name="NodeManager"/>
                    <plugin name="LogManager"/>

Where the default_dashboards_register.xml includes an entry for a new dashboard:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
        <dashboard label="Template" package="airbus_template_dashboard" />

The package airbus_template_dashboard define the python code of the qt level that will be popup inside your cobot_gui.

For the plugins the procedure is almost the same, there is also a XML file where the user can include new entries, for example:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
  <plugin label="Rviz"           package="airbus_plugin_rviz" />
  <plugin label="Rqt"            package="airbus_plugin_rqt" />
  <plugin label="NodeManager"    package="airbus_plugin_node_manager" />
  <plugin label="LogManager"     package="airbus_plugin_log_manager" />
  <plugin label="Template"       package="airbus_template_plugin" />

Being the package airbus_template_plugin where the plugin functions is defined.

2025-03-01 13:23