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Robo Explorer ROS Connector

Package Summary

This is a ROS Stack to control the fischertechnik Robo Explorer with ROS using liboboint.

You need to use the Robo Explorer with Wheels instead of Tracks because the Tracks are too inaccurate for Odometry. I used the Wheel Setup from Mobile Robots 2.


See https://github.com/nxdefiant/ros_roboint


1. libft_adapter

libft_adapter accesses the Interface over libroboint.

1.1. Published Topics

ft/get_inputs - (bool[8] inputs, int8[8] outputs, AX, AY, A1, A2, AV, D1, D2 - all int16)

1.2. Subscribed Topics

ft/set_output - (num (int32), speed (int32))

ft/set_motor - (num (int32), speed (int32))

1.3. Parameters

2. robo_explorer.py

robo_explorer.py provides the Robo Explorer functions. Publishes ft/set_motor and subscribes to ft/get_inputs

2.1. Published Topics

scan - (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

odom - (nav_msgs/Odometry)

2.2. Subscribed Topics

cmd_vel - (geometry_msgs/Twist)

2.3. Parameters

~ultrasonic_laser - (boolean, default: True)

~wheel_dist - (float, default: 0.1855)

~wheel_size - (float, default: 0.02575)

~speed_gradiant - (float, default: 64.3)

~speed_constant - (float, default: -1.7)

2025-03-01 13:22