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Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator

Xaxxon Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator Robot ROS

ROS Software Maintainer: Xaxxon Technologies


Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator is a low cost, open-source autonomous mobile robot available from Xaxxon Technologies, ready for ROS applications. It packs a full mini-ITX motherboard, and is pre-loaded with Linux Xubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic. It features auto-charging, mapping and auto-navigation, and internet tele-operation. A DIY kit is also available.

Xaxxon Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator charging dock


Remote browser GUI with map/navigation controls and depth visualizations

Above: remote browser GUI with map/navigation controls and depth visualizations


(If required)

Install Linux Xubuntu OS and configure the Oculusprime Server application following these instructions.

To Install ROS Kinetic and the Oculus Prime ROS packages and dependencies, including Orbbec Astra drivers, follow installation instructions here.

ROS Packages

Getting Help

Complete Oculus Prime documentation is maintained at xaxxon.com/documentation.

ROS specific Oculus Prime documentation starts at xaxxon.com/documentation/ROS Overview.

Get in touch with us at xaxxon.com/contact. Report any reproduceable ROS package related bugs to github.com/xaxxontech/oculusprime_ros/issues.

2025-03-01 13:21