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pip (/easy_install)

Many tools in ROS use pip (or easy_install), which are popular package manager tools used with Python-based code. This page collects tips for customizing these tools.

Getting pip

pip is available as python-pip with apt-get:

If "pip" was not found, you can install it in two ways:

1. For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and Debian 6 or later, pip can be installed with the package python-pip:

On other/older Operating systems, you can use easy_install to install pip. This will also get you the latest version of pip on Ubuntu.

3. For older versions or other Linux distributions, you can download pip's installation script and run it with:

Updating all pip-installed packages

Use recipes that you find on the internet, such as yolk:


easy_install (Do not use)

easy_install is no longer maintained and much less powerful and user-friendly than pip.

If you do use easy_install, always pass the -U option:

$ sudo easy_install -U ...

1. Configuring easy_install to install locally

To configure easy_install to install software to your home directory (instead of a system-wide directory) create ~/.pydistutils.cfg and add the following content:

Then add ~/.local/bin to your PATH:

2025-03-01 13:21