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This page links and hosts various quality assurance tutorials for ROS and ROS-based projects.


Best Practices

  1. Best Practices

    In this tutorial you will learn how to search and use ROS best practices.

Testing & Static Analysis

  1. Automatic Testing with ROS ( {i} Originally created by BrianGerkey with contributions by others)
    In this tutorial you will learn about the importance of automated tests, and on how to arrange them within ROS, including the pointers to concrete testing frameworks.

  2. Continuous integration with the public infrastructure
    In this tutorial you will learn how to make use of public infrastructure to run automated tests for your ROS package.

  3. Continuous integration with private repositories
    In this tutorial you will learn how to make use of continuous integration for private repositories.

  4. Integrate tests in catkin
    In this tutorial you will learn why you should integrate tests in the build when using catkin.

  5. ROS2 Quality Guide: Ensuring code quality
    Includes running static code analysis with ament, static thread safety analysis (with annotations), dynamic analysis of deadlock and races with sanitizers, and code coverage computation.

  6. Linting ROS 2 Packages with mypy
    A blog-post by Ted Kern on how to setup ament_lint to mypy check your Python 3 code.

Releasing a package

  1. Index your package ( {i} Created by rosdistro )
    This tutorial explains how to create a ROS wiki page for your own ROS repository by adding it to the indexer.

  2. Releasing a package for the first time ( {i} Created by bloom )
    "This guide will help you release a brand new ROS package using the tools bloom and catkin. By default, bloom releases packages to the public ROS build farm ... ."

  3. Releasing a new version of a package ( {i} Created by bloom )
    "Start with this tutorial if the packages you want to release have been released before."

Create a new tutorial:

2024-10-19 12:53