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Orphaned Packages

What is an orphaned package?

A package lacking active maintenance, specifically one which is released in previous ROS distro but not released in the latest ROS distro.

What is the ROS Orphaned Package Maintainer Group ?

A team of volunteers that will do ONLY the release job, to keep releases of existing (and useful) ROS packages in new ROS distros with a minimum of community effort.

Who are the ROS Orphaned Package Maintainers ?

How to join the ROS Orphaned Package Maintainers ?

Add your name to the above list and subscribe to ros-orphaned-packages@googlegroups.com, see REP-152 (As of 2021/02/15 the referenced PR, ros-infrastructure/rep!150, is not yet merged) for how to release an orphaned package.

List of orphaned packages


Melodic ORPHANED status (as of Feb, 8, 2019)


Lunar ORPHANED status (as of Feb, 8, 2019)


Kinetic ORPHANED status (as of Dec, 27, 2017)


Indigo ORPHANED status (as of Dec, 27, 2017)


To generate the list of Orphaned packages, use script

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/k-okada/d4baa8d4ca1d85c6ebe66be4ba0864ee/raw/9b0b804ee4f4cda1d7393049db55eaca52589e9b/dep.py
git clone http://github.com/ros/rosdistro
cd rosdistro/melodic
python ../../dep.py

See REP-152 for more detail.

2025-03-01 13:19